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Should You Appeal Your Tax Assessment?

If you’re still suffering from sticker shock from your most recent Fulton County tax assessment, you’re not alone! County-wide, Fulton County property owners should expect to see an increase in their assessed value as the real estate market continues its upward trend and prices continue to rise.

Assessments were mailed this week, but if you haven’t received your assessment yet, you can check online through the Fulton County Board of Assessors website. Remember, the notice of assessment IS NOT A BILL.

So what happens if you think the valuation is unfair or inaccurate? You have the opportunity to file an appeal, but you must do so within 45 days of the date printed on your assessment.

To file your appeal online, click here.

To manually file your appeal, download the appeal form here. You can mail or hand-deliver the completed form to the Fulton County Tax Assessor’s Office at 235 Peachtree Street NE Suite 1200, Atlanta, Georgia, 30303.

How can The Blair Sells Team help you with your tax appeal?
If you are appealing your assessment because you think your valuation does not represent fair market value, we can help arm you with the ammo you need! We can take a look at your assessment and comparable sales so you can make your best decision on whether or not to go through the appeal process. Depending on the value of your home, appealing could end up saving you thousands of dollars on your tax bill. Best case scenario, your assessed value could be locked in for subsequent years– in a rising real estate market, this can prove to be a worthwhile savings.

To find out more about how we can help email us here.

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